Winnipeg Mennonite Theatre Drama & Musical Productions
Celebrating 40th Anniversary
Join us for the celebration of this important milestone!
40 years have passed, and Winnipeg Mennonite Theatre continues inspiring its audiences with artful mastery of a long theatrical tradition. To celebrate this achievement, WMT has partnered with the Master Playwright Festival for its 12th annual Shaw Fest by creating a production of the famous Major Barbara written by George Bernard Shaw.
Tickets can be purchased either separately by clicking on the Buy Tickets link below, or as a bundle from the Master Playwright Festival. The bundle will enable you to see all shows from the Shaw Fest at a significantly discounted price.
As the play opens, Lady Britomart, a British woman in her fifties, is discussing with her son some permanent source of income for her grown daughters, Sarah and Barbara, who are engaged to Charles Lomax and Adolphous Cusins respectively. Lady Britomart comes to the conclusion that the only solution to the present problem is to take monetary help from her estranged husband, Andrew Undershaft. He is a very successful businessman who owns a munitions factory that manufactures the world famous Undershaft Guns, submarines, and torpedoes. When their children were young, the couple separated due to questions about Undershaft's wealth and how it would be distributed. Lady Britomart has managed to raise the children by herself... [read more]
As lingering pneumonia takes her will to live, a young girl decides that she will die when the last leaf drops from a dying vine outside her window. Her neighbour... [read more]
Play 2: The Gift of the Magi
Delia and Jim Young are a young married couple with very little money. Jim has suffered a thirty-percent pay cut, and the two must scrimp for everything. On the day... [read more]
Play 3: While the Auto Waits
A woman sits reading in the park. A young man who has noticed her for several days strikes up a conversation with her. She tells him of her wealthy life and her... [read more]
Play 4: One Thousand Dollars
Lawyer Tolman has just informed young Gillian that he has just inherited one thousand dollars from his late uncle, who has been supporting him. However, according to... [read more]
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nohbis esteligendi optio cumqu nihil impedit quo minusid quod maxime placeat facere possimu, omnis voluptas assumenda estmnis dolor repellendus.
Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum.
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If you enjoy our performances and would like to give us a helping hand or simply say thanks, please consider donating to our cause of excellence. Any amount, however small, counts.