Winnipeg Mennonite Theatre

Drama & Musical Productions

Jun 14, 2012. 40th Anniversary Gala

Winnipeg Mennonite Theatre will be hosting a 40th Anniversary Gala in the Provencher Room at the Hotel Fort Garry on November 10, 2012. Planning has just begun but what is envisioned is a great dinner followed by a program which will include:

  • a short history
  • recognition of directors, producers, actors and back stage crew who have contributed to the amazing ongoing success of WMT
  • a few excerpts from some of the shows of the last four decades
  • an announcement of the winners of the 40th Anniversary Playwriting Competition.

A dance will follow the program. This promises to be a highlight of the social season and an event not to be missed.

News Archive

May 15, 2012. Winnipeg Mennonite Theatre Annual Meeting

The WMT Annual Meeting will take place on Monday, June 3, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. in the Katherine Friesen Centre (Notre Dame Avenue, just west of First Mennonite Church). [...]

Feb 7, 2012. Major Barbara was a resounding success!

Winnipeg Mennonite Theatre thanks all the volunteers, the cast and, of course, the wonderful audience that made each of the five shows a success. Several months of rehearsals, tens of pages committed to memory, a great deal of time dedicated to selecting costumes and building sets, and the result - a beautifully done play, the quality of which is comparable to that done by professionals. [...]

Jan 24, 2012. Photo Gallery Updated

Take a sneak peak at some rehearsal pictures from the upcoming play "Major Barbara". [...]